We’re all short of time but re-designing a business process can bring huge benefits to your business.

Do you want a fast way to do this?

PDCA Complete has a tool built into it called CCC. This stands for Concern Cause Countermeasure. You might also know it as 3C. Either way, it is a great way to get your team together to pull apart an existing business process and design a better one.

All together now

To use this approach is simple. As a team you list out your concerns about a process.

What doesn’t work easily?

What is hard to do?

What have we missed out in the sequence?

What step is in the wrong place in the sequence?

What is frustrating?

What is inconsistent?

No thinking required (at first!)

With the CCC approach, your team just has to say what doesn’t work.

You don’t need them to come up with amazing solutions. There is no pressure on them. This is why this approach is a great way to start continuous improvement with your colleagues.

Later, with the right people around you, your team can determine why the concerns exist (the cause) and then agree on the actions (the countermeasures) your business needs to take.

By doing this, you create a new (and improved) business process.

Make your process digital

Another amazing tool that PDCA Complete has is the Workflow function. This allows you to digitize your business processes.

Within our online platform, you can take your newly re-designed process and replicate it as a digital sequence of tasks. Each task can be assigned, with a predefined delay between the steps.

When you need to trigger the process, launch it. You can schedule it in advance too (great for processes that are start of the month etc…).

Manage all your tasks from one place

All of the tasks you identify to improve your business processes and all of the tasks from your digital workflows appear in the My Tasks screen.

This ‘nerve center’ allows you to view all of the tasks that relate to you. Your tasks, the tasks you need approve, the tasks you have assigned to others… and more!

By using the filters built into the My Tasks page you can quickly review your tasks, take action and then mark as complete. Easy.

Get started today for free

To use these features of PDCA Complete, and more, you can create a free account.

Simply sign up today, no payment details required, and start using these tools in just a few minutes.

You can add two of your colleagues and then really get to work.

To claim your free account, click here.

Giles Johnston
Giles Johnston

Giles Johnston is a Chartered Engineer that spends his working life helping businesses to become more organized, more efficient and get back in control.