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Free for three users. Start your journey with PDCA Complete today.

Maximize your productivity!

The My Tasks page is the core of PDCA Complete. Every task that is captured within your organization flows to this page. It helps you to see what you need to do, what you need to approve and what you need to add your support to.

Our system can help you reduce the number of meetings you need to organize and limit the amount of chasing you need to do with your colleagues. In short, My Tasks is ready to become your new best friend.

One place to manage all!

All the tasks in PDCA Complete flow to this module. You no longer have to have multiple action lists and project plans.

Everything flows here; project actions, meeting actions, audit actions, improvement action, workflow actions… you name it – it goes here.

Every team member sees their own list of tasks and, as a manager, you can see everything your team works on too. 

tasks management - task detail

Stop losing tasks!

Many people leave their meetings and leave their commitments behind.

PDCA Complete is here to help you get a grip on this situation. Your team will no longer wonder what you are talking about when you refer back to your project plans and meeting minutes.

There is no more need for multiple projects plans. It reduces paperwork and stops the need for separate systems of working between your teams.

Improve communication within your organization

Our visual badge system can help you to know what’s changed and what’s progressed.

When you log into My Tasks, you will see red badges against the tasks. These indicate whether the task is new, has been updated or whether a note has been added to it.

Couple this with the views option, you can see in a heartbeat what has been happening. Fewer emails and meetings are required to keep on top of your actions.

Use notes to keep everyone in the loop

Relying on memory isn't a great strategy, especially nowadays.

Each task within the My Tasks area has a notes function, so you can capture the current state of play and useful information about the task.

When you come back to the task, check on the notes and take it from where it was last left. No more re-doing unnecessary work.

The notes are searchable and available to everyone included in the task (including stakeholders). Email notifications supplement the notes, so you'll never have to guess what is going on again!

Keep your finger on the pulse with filters

Complementing the views option are sort filters. These allow you to see the My Tasks page in different ways. For example, you might want to see everything by due date. Or, you might want to see what has been most recently updated.

Our system will help you review the list of actions in a way that suits you. Clearing up your actions and progressing your organization’s plan has never been easier.

Quickly change views to prioritise your workload

With the views function on My Tasks, you can quickly review your list of actions in different ways.

With views you won’t be left wondering what is going on in your business.

Drill down deeper with advanced search

If you want to get more specific with the My Tasks list, you can use the advanced search option. This allows you to look at specific date ranges and specific team members.

Do you want to know tasks are overdue for one of your team members? Done.

Do you want to know what task approvals are due next week? Done.

With advanced search you can cut up your task information to very precise queries, and increase your effectiveness as a manager.

Capture ad-hoc tasks on the fly

Perhaps you aren’t in a meeting, or formally capturing concerns about your organization’s processes when you need to capture a task. The Quick Add function on the My Tasks page can help you capture tasks in an ad-hoc fashion.

Capture it, assign it, comment on it and let My Tasks do the rest.

Update tasks in real time

Our task editing function allows the task creator to update tasks without having to wait for another meeting, or chance encounter in the office.

The update options are based on the privileges in the system, but include:

Avoid tasks being prematurely closed

Our task approval function gives you the option to manage the closure of tasks. We know that some people like to tick items off their ‘to do’ lists when they aren’t quite complete. Our approval option is for those tasks where you want to have a quick look before the task gets archived.

If what you see isn’t meeting the mark, add a note and let them carry on working on the task until everyone is satisfied. Approvals stay on the My Tasks page until all parties have signed the task off.

Visualise task activity with the calendar

The calendar view allows you to see your tasks laid out in a calendar view that you can navigate. This lets you quick compare the weeks and days for how busy they are.

If you filter your tasks, the calendar reflects the filtered data. 

Load more tasks in, or re-schedule them. Now you’ll know exactly what workloads look like at a glance.

Engage with stakeholders for support and guidance

Most business work tasks need others to participate or at least, be informed. Self-tracking task methods like spreadsheets, do not allow for this and they automatically create communication issues. 

We’ve added in the option to add stakeholders to tasks so that anyone you need to keep in the loop about the tasks can be updated automatically.

Stakeholders can add notes and provide information to tasks in real time as required.

Eliminate failure modes of task communication

When management issues tasks to others, these need to be tracked. Not only by the person issuing the task but also by the assignee. This inherently has possible two failure modes, management forgetting about or losing the task and the assignee forgetting about or losing the task.

Even if you have a sound and reliable team, you still need to create duplicate tracking and work for each task. Plus, for every person on the team, they too keep their own task tracking solution that does not interact with the others.

With different tracking systems, each one working independently, they can cause more failure modes. With all these possible task failure modes, communication and getting things done will eventually break down. 

PDCA Complete fixes this, eliminates different task systems, eliminates forgetting tasks, eliminates duplicate task tracking and significantly improves communication.

Automated email notifications

PDCA Complete improve task communication with its automatic emails. Notifications are sent out when:

You’ll never be left guessing!

Instant PDF report

If you need to print out your list of tasks, our paid subscription is here to help.

Filter your My Tasks screen and hit the PDF report button. You'll be able to email, print or view your document on screen... however you work best.

Combine the versatility of PDF documents with the flexibility of our web app to get the most out of our task management system!

task management report

Mobile friendly

Keep your finger on the pulse with the mobile version of PDCA Complete.

Access your key information on the move.

Drive up your productivity today

Free for three users. Start your journey with PDCA Complete today.