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Free for three users. Start your journey with PDCA Complete today.

Maximize PDCA Complete through user setup

When you setup the team members, a whole range of benefits emerge when it comes to task visibility and effective assigning of tasks

Set up PDCA Complete to match how your organization works

PDCA Complete is an organizational task management system with organization hierarchy built into it.

You set up the system such that only supervisors can issue tasks to their subordinates and to the subordinate's subordinates. It is very easy to setup. 

With Global Changes* you can assure business continuity. If a staff members moves on from their current position, you can transfer their task to other users. You can replace them in projects, meetings, audits and other modules too.  Or you can quickly delete all of their tasks too. 

*Paid account

User setup and permissions
Configure user views quickly

Ensure that the right people can see the right tasks

The permissions in the system determine who can see what. As well as determining who can assign tasks to whom, the views in the various modules use the same information.

With just a click or two, you can see the work that your teams are currently working on. You no longer have to pester and chase up your team to see what is going on.   Supervisors, managers, all the way up to the CEO can see their staff's tasks, projects, audits and other modules too.  

Gain approval from the right people

As part of the setup process you can determine who each team member can ask for approval from.

This has to be setup by the system Admin and each task can have one official approver.

The approval process for a task is optional depending on the needs of the task creator but it helps to ensure tasks aren’t prematurely closed out.

Request task approval
Invite team members from other organizations

Add team members from outside your organization

You can invite anybody outside of your organization to join your PDCA Complete organization. In these cases, you would not need to appoint assignees, approvers and staff (though you can).

You can just add them to the project's and / or tasks team. They will then be automatically notified with emails and task badges as the project and tasks progress.

They can also be assigned to and approve tasks too if you want to involve them more deeply.

Add team members to tasks flexibly

We’ve made the PDCA Complete system flexible so that if you need to assign a task to someone that isn’t in your project (or meeting, audit etc…) you can.

As long as you have the rights to assign a task to the team member in question you can assign them the task (the same goes for approvals). This team member can see the task but not the project / meeting / audit.

You can also add Stakeholders to tasks and these members can provide task support and are informed as the task progresses.

Assign tasks flexibly
View team members' tasks

See your team’s tasks at a glance

You can set up PDCA Complete so that you can see the tasks assigned to and by your team members if you set up the permissions to do so.

Never again will you be left wondering who is doing what, or what is overdue!

This system provides some powerful functionality to help you keep on track with your team and their tasks.

Improve your business' task management today

Free for three users. Start your journey with PDCA Complete today.