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Free for three users. Start your journey with PDCA Complete today.

Brainstorm a wealth of improvement opportunities 

Engage your teams with this quick to learn tool that can generate a lifetime of improvement opportunities

Quickly identity continuous improvement opportunities

Another proven Lean tool we have in PDCA Complete is the CCC or Concern-Cause-Countermeasure framework.

Simple put, this is a great tool for your teams to engage with and identify potential improvement opportunities.

In fact, this is one of the simplest approaches as you just need to state all the items / features that aren’t good enough and start a list!

Quickly identify improvement opportunities

Brainstorm opportunities quickly

The duplication button we have added into the CCC module of PDCA Complete allows you to quickly list out all the concerns you have about the area of the business you are reviewing.

You can have multiple tasks associated with each concern, so this can be a really fast way to generate a continuous improvement plan for your organization.

Quickly duplicate CCC opportunities
Auto task population

Minimise the time needed to manage change

As you create tasks (countermeasures), they funnel to all the appropriate team members' My Task page. When the team member opens the task they will see the info popup and they can take it from there.

To help the team members fully understand the task, PDCA Complete captures the CCC supporting information and fills in the task description for you. 

Launch it in the CCC module and manage it via My Tasks; efficiency in action.

PDF reporting

If you need to print out your CCC records, then our paid subscription is here.

Open up the concern you want to work on with your team, press the PDF report button and hey presto!

This is just one of our premium features. Upgrading your free account is easy, just head over to the Setup page and press subscribe.

pdf report improvements

Capture your concerns and form your improvement plan today

Free for three users. Start your journey with PDCA Complete today.