What happens if your business stands still?

Would you find your competitors passing you by?

Would your profit margins slowly slip?

Would the experience your customer has become stale and risk future business?

Whatever the outcome, it is unlikely to be positive. For this reason alone, you cannot consider continuous improvement a luxury. It is an essential part of the growth and development of a business (both for its profits and its staff).

PDCA Complete’s tool kit

Continuous improvement is at the heart of PDCA Complete. We built our system to ensure that you can capture all of the improvement opportunities you have around your organization and manage them effectively.

Let me explain a little further.

PDCA Complete allows you to capture improvement opportunities from a range of sources:

  • Our CCC (Concern – Cause – Countermeasure) tool allows you to review processes and identify issues and opportunities, which can then be converted into improvement tasks.
  • The audit tool allows you to reflect on your standards, and identify gaps. These, in turn, can be converted into action plans.
  • Using the waste walk tool engages your team. Using their eyes you can spot even more improvement opportunities.
  • The Bucket tool can be used as both a way to capture the ideas from your team and a tool to prioritize improvements.

The tools within PDCA Complete allow you to generate improvement plans, meetings, digital workflows, recurring tasks, approval checks and more.

All of these tasks can be managed centrally, via the My Tasks page. PDCA Complete is designed to help you take advantage of your continuous improvements. We understand that continuous improvement is not a luxury and the management of change should not be left to chance.

Free account

If you want to start managing your improvements in a different way, a more effective way, then sign up today for our free account. You can invite two additional team members and start identifying, capturing and managing improvement today using our system.

When you are ready to upgrade, you can do that anytime from within the app. PDCA Complete works best when you have everyone working with the system. You can find out more about the paid for version on our pricing page.

But, for the time being, please help your team to see that continuous improvement is not a luxury!

Giles Johnston
Giles Johnston

Giles Johnston is a Chartered Engineer that spends his working life helping businesses to become more organized, more efficient and get back in control.